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The board transmits GPON (2,5 / 1,25 Gb/s) and XG-PON (10 / 2,5 Gb/s) signals simultaneously!
La scheda trasmette contemporaneamente segnali GPON (2,5 / 1,25 Gb/s) e XG-PON (10 / 2,5 Gb/s)!
La scheda trasmette contemporaneamente segnali GPON (2,5 / 1,25 Gb/s) e XG-PON (10 / 2,5 Gb/s)!/p>
Official distribution, 24 months warranty.
PON transceivers included!
The ONT and OLT terminals come from Huawei's official distribution!
Terminale ONT i OLT pochodz? z oficjalnej dystrybucji Huawei!